Do You Remember?

July 3, 2008

I have to admit, I am preaching to myself on this one…

We come to church.  We sing some songs.  We offer a tithe.  We hear a sermon.  Hopefully through all of this we are worshipping in spirit and in truth, and we emerge from the air-conditioned building, but are we a changed people for having experienced the conviction of God’s Spirit on our hearts from the sword of His Word.  Or…do we sit in our comfort praying that the sermon will be done in time for our good Baptist fellowship-luncheon at Carl’s Jr.?  If we do intently listen and truly learn on a Sunday morning, do we remember what we learned two days later…a week…a month?  We have just finished a series on making disciples, evangelism, and I don’t want to forget it.  I want to make it a part of my life, because according to God’s Word it should be!  How seriously am I taking God’s Word to me?  How much will I let it effect my life and how I live it?  How much should I let it effect my life and how I live it?  Just something to think about…No, I’m sorry.  This isn’t just something to think about, its something to begin doing something about.

Trying Something New…

April 25, 2008

Well, here goes…

Until a few months ago I hardly knew what a blog was, let alone how to insert creatively written anecdotes into one, and I wasn’t very interested in finding out!  But things and times change, don’t they?  Sometimes we would prefer for them not to, but it happens in spite of us.  When it comes to writing notes in a blog I must remind myself of what is important.  Jesus Christ.  It’s not about me, it’s about reaching people for Jesus Christ and encouraging one another through time, and the changes that time brings with it.  There is one (and only one) thing that does not change…, “For I, the Lord, do not change…” (Malachi 3:6), and therefore our hope that He has provided does not change.  His Word remains truth.  We may use new songs, new instruments, or new preaching styles to worship, evangelize, and learn by, but the message remains the same.  Jesus Christ.  And I must ask myself:  Am I being as effective as I can be in delivering that message to those around me?  I cannot remain stagnant and be effective.  I need to observe who and what is happening around me and find the best way to deliver that timeless gospel message.  The gospel is greater than the means by which it is delivered (Phil. 1:15-18).  Should we be sure that the means resides in alliance with scripture?  In as much as we can, by all means! *pun intended*  We all have oppinions on what is the ‘right’ way to do things in the church and there was a time when many of the ‘good ole’ hymns’ that we know and love would have been considered by many to be straight from the mind of Satan simply because of the chords used in the music, or because they were being played on a piano instead of an organ.  Is the piano any less holy than an organ?  Is a guitar or drum set any less holy than…what will the next new thing be?  The question really becomes, how effective can we become in sharing Jesus Christ.  We must understand that means change with time, like it or not, but the message does not.  Therefore I blog.  Therefore you…

In Christ’s Love, Joe